September 2020
Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity, 20th September 2020
A reminder that from now on our Benefice Sunday morning services are back in church (Little Gransden today) so won't be broadcast live online. We will however still be putting up the recordings of the sermon, readings, and prayers each Sunday at around 10am, as well as links to some hymns, for anyone who can't make it.

Institution service, 13th September 2020
This Sunday we had a special service thanking Tony for his many years of ministry as an LLM, seeing Rachel instituted as Rector and having three of our children confirmed by Bishop Dagmar.
The service was recorded and can be watched at this link, password: Gs9Pa3eFBxN4r8KLs , but only for the next day or so.
The service sheet may be downloaded here.
The anthem is Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God. Here is the version so memorably recorded by The Gransdens Choir during lockdown earlier this year.

Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity, 6th September 2020
If you can't make it to Abbotsley to join us in person, here is the service sheet plus some recordings to follow at home.
Hymn: Ye Holy Angels Bright
Reading: Romans 13: 8-14
Reading: Matthew 18: 15-20