Our Community

For all updates around our benefice see Roundabout, our monthly magazine.

Benefice Choir

We have an active choir who sing in many of our services.

Bell Ringing

A talented team of bell ringers meet weekly and ring at services and other events.

Prayer Group

A new group for those interested in exploring, writing and leading prayer in our parishes. An informal chance to share ideas and resources around intercession, contemplative prayer and preparing reflective services. Contact Anne for more information.


Our Benefice’s mutual aid Covid support group, established in March 2020 to help provide practical local help for those self-isolating. The group is led by a team of cross-village leads, chaired by Revd. Rachel, and made up of over a hundred local volunteers. The group is exploring how it can best support ongoing Covid- recovery and community projects going forwards. Contacts for leads can be found on the website.

Barnabas Oley Primary School

Great Gransden boasts its own wonderful Church of England primary school that is one of the oldest in the county. It serves our whole benefice and has close links with our four churches and Clare College, Cambridge, one of our patrons.


Although the past year has impacted our ability to fundraise properly or consistently, the charitable organisations the Benefice is committed to supporting are: MIND; The Children’s Society; Chifundo (a project in Malawi working to support women and girls’ personal health and education needs), The Need Project (a new local hub in Gamlingay has been set up to provide support in a variety of forms, including food, household items and financial support to those who need it); St Neots’ Foodbank (see also May newsletter); East Anglian Children’s Hospices; The Poppy Appeal and Christian Aid.

You can donate to these charities, using the links above.

Come and join us!

There are so many different ways of being part of these communities. Please do come and share your time and your passions. You don’t need to attend church services to get involved! You would be most welcome to join in all that is happening.