Bluebell Benefice Services
We have events and services for everyone! See our poster below for all that is going on.
Regular Services
We hold regular services in the benefice throughout the week.
At 10am on Sundays is our main Benefice Communion with our wonderful choir, and is suitable for all ages. It is usually held in Little Gransden (first Sunday of the month), Abbotsley (second Sunday), Great Gransden (third Sunday) and Waresley (fourth Sunday), but check the poster for confirmation in any given month.
On Wednesdays at noon we hold a quiet midweek service in Little Gransden, normally including Holy Communion. On Sundays at 5pm we normally hold the Bluebell Fellowship Group online, and on one Sunday each month at 4pm in the Lighthouse Café we have Lego Church in which we recreate the story of the day using our Lego design skills!
Lego Church
At 4pm one Sunday each month we hold Lego Church, perfect for children young and old who love letting their imaginations run wild with Lego. We start with a thought for the day, then tell a story from the Bible, get into groups to make Lego constructions inspired by the story, and show each other what we have made.
The group is held in the Lighthouse Café in Great Gransden, an excellent space that has allowed us to create separate groups for kids up to 11 years old and another for those in Secondary School.
If you would like to join us please contact Rev. Rachel so we can get some idea of numbers.
Bluebell Fellowship Group
Grab a drink and snack of your choice, and curl up in the company of friends. We have an informal discussion about faith and prayer, before we close our time together in the gentle and peaceful service of Compline.
See our main page for links just before the meeting.