January 2024
It is the responsibility of the Parochial Church Councils and those to whom they delegate responsibility, to protect children (under 18 years of age) and adults at risk from physical, emotional, domestic, spiritual and sexual abuse. We commit ourselves to the safeguarding of all people and especially all who may be vulnerable, ensuring their well-being in the life of the church, and have adopted The Church of England’s policy – ‘Promoting a Safer Church’.
1. In fulfilling our responsibilities in safeguarding, we seek to encourage everyone within our church community to nurture a culture in which everyone is included, respected, listened to and taken seriously, so that there can be safe and “informed vigilance” where the welfare of all vulnerable people is paramount.
2. We commit ourselves to promoting safe practice by those in positions of trust, ensuring our approach is informed by up-to-date policies and procedures from local and national authorities.
3. We recognise our responsibility to always respond to and report any suspected cases of abuse to the relevant statutory authorities without delay; and will seek the advice of, and cooperate with, all relevant agencies and do our best to ensure that those making an allegation, and those against whom an allegation is made, are supported appropriately.
4. We will support appropriately those who may pose a risk to children or adults at risk, through maintaining confidential safeguarding agreements overseen in partnership with the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer.
5. We commit to the safe recruitment and appointment of leaders and workers to whom responsibility is delegated for working with children and / or adults at risk, as detailed in section 5 of the Church of England Parish Safeguarding Handbook.
6. All church groups will have appropriate levels of leadership and supervision; all leaders and workers in positions of responsibility working regularly or substantially with children and / or adults at risk will be given appropriate safeguarding support and training.
7. This policy will be reviewed no later than March 2025.
Rev’d Rachel Blanchflower, Rector, 07824 380479
Phillip George Benefice, Safeguarding Officer, 01767 677553
Date: 29th January 2024
CHILDLINE for children and young people – 0800 1111
NSPCC for adults concerned about a child – 0808 800 5000
24-hour National Domestic Violence helpline – 0808 2000 247